There are many apps for configuration and usage of the digitalSTROM system
(pc, notebook, tablet, smartphone)
ds home apps
timer switch
user defined actions
scene responder
simulation of presence
auto-off, motion detector
ds Services
Remote Connectivity
my digitalSTROM
dS Home Apps
Visualization & Notification
e-mail notification
energy consumption
event checker
Nambu Meter
(another app for ernergy consumption)
push notification
twitter notification
dS Services
Integration apps
dS Sonos
dS Hue (Philipps)
dS smartphone & tablet apps
ios digitalSTROM
ios ds dashboard
android dS home control
windows 8 dS home control
mobile remote control
dS listener (voice control)
dS climate control (heating)
dS Services
paid fee
dS hailwarning (only in Switzerland)